A 640 Square Foot Home

Today owning your own home is a task that is becoming more difficult to achieve. The options are rental or alternative dwellings. One option is a container home.

A traditional house with 640 square feet could typically have one or two small bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen, and a bathroom. The layout may vary depending on the style of the house, with some featuring an open floor plan and others having separate rooms for each function.

The layout of a 640 square foot home can vary widely depending on the specific design and preferences of the homeowner. However, here are some common features and configurations that may be found in a small home of this size:

  1. Open Floor Plan: An open floor plan can help maximize the use of space and create a sense of spaciousness in a small home. This may involve combining the living room, dining area, and kitchen into one large, multifunctional space.
  2. Loft Space: A loft space can provide additional living or sleeping space without taking up too much floor space. This may involve creating a mezzanine level above the living area or bedroom.
  3. Multi-Functional Rooms: In a small home, rooms may need to serve multiple purposes. For example, a living room may also serve as a guest bedroom, or a home office may be combined with a bedroom.
  4. Efficient Storage: Efficient storage is crucial in a small home. This may involve using built-in shelving, utilizing under-bed storage, or using multipurpose furniture, such as a sofa bed.
  5. Outdoor Space: Having access to outdoor space, such as a small balcony or patio, can help expand the living area and create a sense of connection to the outdoors.

Ultimately, the layout of a 640 square foot home will depend on the specific needs, preferences, and lifestyle of the homeowner. A well-designed small home can be comfortable, functional, and stylish, and can offer a variety of benefits, such as lower costs, easier maintenance, and a smaller environmental footprint.

Concept Build: Beach Home Four Shipping Containers

An area of 640 square feet is comparable to what size house?

A traditional house with 640 square feet can vary in style and layout, but generally, it would be considered a small house. In the United States, for example, a house of this size might be referred to as a “tiny home,” a “cottage,” or a “bungalow.”

A traditional house with 640 square feet could typically have one or two small bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen, and a bathroom. The layout may vary depending on the style of the house, with some featuring an open floor plan and others having separate rooms for each function.

It is worth noting that the concept of a traditional house can vary depending on cultural and regional differences. In some places, a house with 640 square feet might be considered a typical or even large-sized home, while in other places, it may be considered a small or modest home.

What would be a comparison costing of a 640 square foot traditional house and 640 square foot container house?

The cost of a traditional house or a container house can vary depending on many factors, such as the location, materials, finishes, and construction method. However, as a rough comparison, here are some factors to consider:

Traditional house:

  • Building a traditional house can involve higher material and labor costs due to the need for a more complex foundation, framing, roofing, and other building systems.
  • A traditional house may also require more extensive site preparation and excavation work, which can add to the overall cost.
  • However, a traditional house can offer more design flexibility, customization options, and potential for resale value compared to a container house.

Container house:

  • Building a container house typically involves lower material and labor costs compared to a traditional house, as the structure is pre-fabricated and can be assembled on site.
  • The cost of a container house can also be lower due to the smaller size and simpler design.
  • However, a container house may require additional costs for insulation, finishing, and customization, such as adding windows, doors, and utilities.
  • The resale value of a container house may also be lower compared to a traditional house, as some buyers may have a preference for a more conventional style.

In general, the cost of a 640 square foot container house can be lower than that of a traditional house of the same size, but this can vary depending on the specific design, materials, and finishes used. A container house can be a cost-effective and sustainable housing solution for some people, especially those who prioritize simplicity, and environmental impact.

The best way to get an accurate cost estimate for a 640 square foot home, whether it’s a traditional or container home, is to consult with a builder or contractor who has experience in building the type of home you’re interested in, and to get detailed quotes for materials, labor, and other costs.

The Benefits of a 640 square foot traditional home vs container home

Here are some potential benefits of a 640 square foot traditional home compared to a container home:

  1. Design Flexibility: Traditional homes offer more design flexibility and customization options compared to container homes. With a traditional home, you have a wider range of materials, styles, and layouts to choose from, and you can work with an architect or builder to create a home that fits your specific needs and preferences.
  2. Resale Value: Traditional homes tend to have higher resale value compared to container homes, as they are seen as more conventional and desirable by many home buyers. This means that a traditional home may be a better long-term investment, especially if you plan to sell it in the future.
  3. Comfort: Traditional homes tend to offer more comfort and convenience compared to container homes. With a traditional home, you can have features such as a full kitchen, spacious bathroom, and more natural light, which can make your living experience more enjoyable.
  4. Durability: Traditional homes are built to last, with sturdy foundations, framing, and roofing that can withstand weather and other environmental factors. Container homes, while durable, may not be as long-lasting, especially if they are not properly insulated or finished.
  5. Financing: Financing a traditional home may be easier than financing a container home, as traditional homes are more conventional and easier to appraise. This means that you may have more options for mortgage loans and may be able to get better interest rates and terms.

Of course, the benefits of a traditional home may also come with higher costs and longer construction times compared to a container home. Ultimately, the best choice for you depends on your personal preferences, budget, and lifestyle.

Concept Build: Beach Home Four Shipping Containers


A 640 square foot house be it traditional or container occupies the same space. The design is very much an individual choice. The resale value however is a concern: A traditional home will have a high resale value compared to a container home. From a current day perspective a container home will be cheaper to construct compared to a traditional home.

The resale value of container homes will increase in the future as they become more popular and widely accepted. As container homes become more mainstream, they may start to command higher prices and compete more closely with traditional homes in terms of resale value.

However, it’s worth noting that the resale value of a home is influenced by many factors beyond just the type of construction. Factors such as location, age, condition, and the local real estate market can all play a significant role in determining a home’s resale value. So, while container homes may become more valuable over time, their resale value will still depend on many factors beyond just their construction method.

Additionally, it’s important to keep in mind that the resale value of a home is not the only factor to consider when choosing between a traditional home and a container home. Other factors such as affordability, design options, customization, sustainability, and mobility may be equally important, depending on your specific needs and preferences. Ultimately, the choice between a traditional home and a container home will depend on your unique circumstances and goals.

Container Living

Our interests include container homes, narrow boats, and concrete pipe homes. The possibilities are endless with shipping containers and concrete pipe dwellings. This is where we can express ideas and opinions on container houses and methods of use... There has always been an interest in boat life and in particular canal style boats from around the world. The passion is to see a container not just as a box but a potential dwelling. It is a form that can have many facades. It does not have to be traditional nor does it need to be a metal box. The future is open to unique designs. We are here to express our thoughts on the subject...

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