A Shipping Container Home Office

Shipping Container Home Office

With many now working from home, creating office space can be challenging. We may not have designed our home with the idea of a room for an office. With the work environment changing less people are traveling to an office. The internet allows us to work from home on our laptop or desktop computer.

As an entrepreneur, working from home is the normal. Although the occasional catch up from a coffee shop is an occurrence. However working from home requires a space where there is quite, no distractions, and room for organised chaos. The home office as it is known is essential but if you have not prepared for such an event it will be costly to modify your home. The solution, a shipping container.

No matter what the circumstances are for needing office space, a shipping container can be an excellent way to get new office space without having to get into numerous permits, plans, and construction. Lets take a look at a shipping container home office. Read on.

Why not read more of our articles on Shipping Container Living

The Backyard Office

If you are considering a shipping container for an office, you will need a place to plant it. The most common is in the back yard. You can choose the side of the house or on the rear if that is better for you. You will need to verify local building regulations before proceeding. At some point you will need to have foundations laid. It will either be a huge concrete slab, or you will use pylons to seat your container. These can be laid while your container undergoes modification.

The first decision is to know what size shipping container. A 20ft container is ideal for an office. It is small enough to fit within most back yards without taking up too much room. However if you have a large backyard you may consider the 40 ft container option. Each option has its own uniqueness and purpose.

Depending on the nature of your work you may want big glass windows or minimal window exposure. You may prefer open wall space or a single door opening. You may wish to have a toilet installed or even a bathroom. These are some of the things you need to consider when designing your office space.

You may be aware of underground bunkers. An option you may consider is to double up your container office. We wrote an article Shipping Container Underground which may enthuse you into stacking up your container office.

Creating The Office

If you are a DIY then you will proceed with what needs to be undertaken. If you need a head start you may have your shipping container modified by specialist in the field. These are some of the ways you can have a shipping container modified into an office:

  • Doors, flooring and windows installed
  • Wall paneling installed
  • Security features like cameras and floodlights installed
  • Plumbing, electrical and heating and cooling features installed.

At this point I will mention you may find a used office container for sale. It will probably need some TLC to bring it up to an acceptable standard. Finding one that is fitted with door and window and electric will be cheaper than starting from scratch. If you do find, thoroughly check the metal for any sign of corrosion or damage.

Doors, Flooring And Windows

The first things that need to be added to shipping containers to turn them into offices are doors and windows. After all, no one wants to work in the dark or have to open the huge doors that shipping containers come with just to get inside the office. The container doors can become feature doors but also provide security when closed and padlocked.

Another feature that can improve both the look and feel of a shipping container turned into an office is new flooring. The shipping container will come with its original bottom, usually a wooden flooring above the metal base. You can try refurbishing the wooden flooring. Or if need replace with some other flooring option. Some options for shipping container office flooring are vinyl, laminate, and even anti-slip paint. Wall to wall carpet is an option, or just a nice rug.

Security Features, Cameras and Floodlights

You may want to add security to your container. Today there are many options. Generally the concern a camera and lighting. With most being remote controlled from your mobile phone. Since your shipping container office is standing separate from your home, you’ll need to add some security features to it to protect it and your work if deemed necessary.

Installing security cameras on the outside will help you feel secure and provide a deterrent to thieves when it is empty. While away most security cameras can be viewed via your phone, With sound you can actually talk to the person knocking on the door even though you are somewhere else.

Having floodlights outside the office will also help deter thieves and provide you with additional light, which is especially important in the winter when it gets dark early. You could have movement sensor lighting but I find the cats tend to set them off. There are other options which you local lighting specialist can offer.

Plumbing, Electrical, Heating and Cooling

Turning a shipping container into a proper office requires more than just adding a few windows and doors. These are other modifications you can add to your shipping container office:

  • Plumbing features such as a toilet and sinks.
  • Lights and power sockets
  • Heating and cooling options. Consider the very cold in the winter and quite hot in the summer.

While these modifications will add to the initial cost of the shipping container you buy, they will ensure that once you’ve converted it, your shipping container office will be comfortable and functional.

Five Other Additions to Consider

  1. Louvre vents to improve ventilation and ensure air will circulate.
  2. Windows to add in natural light and provide another option for ventilation.
  3. Paint can be applied to both the exterior and the floor.
  4. Spray foam insulation to help keep the office cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter.
  5. Partition walls if you need to have separate spaces within your shipping container office.


There are many options when it comes to turning a shipping container into an office. The list is long. That is the beauty of a shipping container, they can be modified to become anything from a pop-up shop to a tiny home.

A large variety of modifications can be made to a shipping container to turn it into an office, including installing doors and windows, sun-lite windows, adding security features such as cameras and voice, and installing plumbing and electrical fixtures.

Your office may be a sound studio or an art studio. An architects palace or a chefs bake house. An office is many things. But an office is purposely a place of work and creation. The simplicity of using a shipping container makes a home office practical. What will your office be?

Container Living

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