A Twenty Foot Shipping Container Guest Room


Perhaps you are familiar with the current trend of shipping container homes. People decided to convert old shipping containers into homes to anticipate worldwide house shortages. It could be compared with a cheap version of a tiny house. However, these shipping containers are used for many more purposes. Have you, for example, heard of the twenty-foot container guest room?

A twenty-foot shipping container guest room offers you the possibility to have friends or family members stay overnight. Furthermore, a shipping container can also be turned into a granny flat as many people wish to care for their parents as they age. Lastly, you could turn your shipping container into a holiday accommodation with the correct permits.

Would you like to find out more about the possibilities of converting a shipping container into a guest room or granny flat? Then we advise you to read the article below as we will tell you everything there is to know about this unique and durable option to expand your home with some extra space for guests. Let’s dive into the topic right away!


Possibilities of a Container Guest Room

A container home has a lot to offer. Likewise, a container guest room also offers many great possibilities. To give you some inspiration, we discuss some great ways you can use a shipping container as an extension of your home. Let’s see what possibilities you might have.

Spare Rooms for Guests

As mentioned, you could turn a shipping container into a guest room. You can choose to design one room, in case friends or family stay over. However, you can also decide to divide the container into multiple rooms. This way, there is a spare room for numerous guests. This is ideal when you don’t have much space in your home.

Using a container as a guest room offers valuable time with family and friends you might otherwise not have experienced. Therefore, we can say that a container guest room is an excellent purpose for a shipping container.

Granny Flat

A shipping container is also used as a granny flat by some people. As many kids have the desire to take care of their parents when they get older, adding a granny flay container can be a great idea. This way, you will always be close to your loved ones, and you will be able to look after your parents as they age.

A granny flat container can be equipped with all the necessary utilities such as a toilet, shower, and kitchen. Obviously, if you are not a handyman yourself, you will have to hire a professional to help you with this job. Therefore, consider these costs when purchasing a shipping container to convert into a granny flat.

Holiday accommodation

Did you know that a shipping container in your backyard could even make you money? If you have the correct permits, you could turn a container into a holiday accommodation that people can rent. Especially when you live near a popular tourist spot, this can be a great idea. Furthermore, it can be a great way to earn some extra money. After all, we don’t say no to an extra stream of income, do we?

You can make a container holiday accommodation as luxurious as you wish. Do you have a large budget? Then it might be worth investing some money in the makeover of the container so that you can make more money with the accommodation in the long term. However, if you are on a smaller budget, you can still create a very proper holiday spot. As long as you ensure all the necessary utilities are there, we have no doubt that your holiday accommodation can open soon!

Are you not sure which permits you will need for this purpose? Then, make an appointment with your local city council to ensure you have all the information you need.


Advantages of a Container Guest Room

Turning a shipping container into a spare guest room has many advantages. Above we already discussed some of them. It allows you to spend more valuable time with your loved ones. Now let’s look at some practical advantages. Cause why would you choose a container guest room instead of a regular home extension? Let’s have a look at some of the benefits that a shipping container has to offer.

  1. Affordability

A twenty-foot container guest room can be cheaper than alternative options. Therefore, it is a popular option for many people worldwide. It offers a lot of space, and you can find used shipping containers for small prices. However, checking your container thoroughly before making the purchase is important. Curious how to do so correctly? Find it out here! Buying a Container Home – What Should You Pay Attention To?

Besides the affordability of most shipping containers, a container can be turned into a holiday accommodation, which can make you money in the long run. So, in conclusion, we could say that a container guest room is financially a brilliant idea for many people.

  1. Durability

A shipping container guest room is durable, which makes it a popular choice for many people. The containers are made from a special kind of steel that is weather resistant. Therefore, you don’t have to worry about sunny summers and freezing winters. Your container will survive.

Do you wish to have a durable room for your guests that you can use for the next 10+ years? Then you should definitely consider a shipping container for your project!

  1. Portability

Perhaps you have no plans to move in the near future. However, at the same time, you never know what the future might hold for you. Therefore, you never know whether you will need or want to move in the future. It is a comforting thought to know that you will be able to take your container guest room with you if you move. After all, it is a portable piece of furniture.

The portability of container homes is one of the most significant advantages people experience when using a container for their next housing project.



Unfortunately, this article is about to come to an end. However, we hope it was helpful and that you gained some useful information on container guest rooms. We looked at some of the purposes that a shipping container could serve. The possibilities are endless: a guest room for friends and family, a granny flat for parents, or a holiday accommodation!

Check out all the other blogs we wrote about container homes and their advantages! What Are the Benefits of a Container Home? Explained!

Thank you for stopping by, and we hope to see you again soon!

Container Living

Our interests include container homes, narrow boats, and concrete pipe homes. The possibilities are endless with shipping containers and concrete pipe dwellings. This is where we can express ideas and opinions on container houses and methods of use... There has always been an interest in boat life and in particular canal style boats from around the world. The passion is to see a container not just as a box but a potential dwelling. It is a form that can have many facades. It does not have to be traditional nor does it need to be a metal box. The future is open to unique designs. We are here to express our thoughts on the subject...

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