A Twenty Foot Container Gym – A Dream Come True


Many people dream of having a gym in or around their house. Perhaps you have also played around with the idea in your head. What if we told you that a home gym would also be possible for you? What if an old shipping container could make this dream come true? As you are probably intrigued by this question, let’s look at the possibilities that a container gym offers.

A container gym has many advantages. It is relatively cheap, it offers a lot of space and privacy, and you won’t have to pay for your monthly gym membership anymore. Furthermore, it can be used for various activities such as lifting weights and aerobics.

Do you want to learn more about the concept of container gyms? Then you have come to the right place. The article below will tell you everything there is to know. We will talk about the possibilities that a container gym offers, and we will see whether or not it is possible for you. Let’s dive in right away!


The Advantages of a Container Gym

Using an old shipping container as a home gym is probably one of the easiest and fastest ways to achieve this dream. Have you always dreamed of having a gym in or around your home? It might become a reality with the container gym. When the Covid19 pandemic hit the entire world, more and more people were forced to work out at home as the gyms were closed. This resulted in creativity, and people figured out that old shipping containers are much more useful than you’d think. Containers are used for many different purposes. For example, have you heard of container homes or container garages? The possibilities are endless.

For now, we want to focus on the container gym. What are some of the advantages of using a twenty-foot container as a gym? Below, we discuss five of the largest benefits.

  1. Relatively cheap

A container gym is quite cheap to purchase. If you were to build a shed outside your house for this purpose instead, you would probably be spending much more. Used shipping containers can be found relatively cheap. As long as you make sure to check the container for any dents, holes, and rust, it is no problem to buy a used container.

Do you wish to find out how to investigate your container correctly? Check out this blog we wrote about it! What Should You Pay Attention To?

  1. Lots of space

A twenty-foot container gym offers a lot of space. Especially when one or two people use the gym, there will be plenty of room for different machines. So whether you prefer to lift weights or do some yoga, in a container gym, there is space for everything.

Does your house come with a large piece of land, and do you wish to use the container gym with multiple people? Then you might consider a forty-foot container gym instead. These will obviously be more expensive than the twenty-foot containers. However, it might be worth the money when a big group uses the gym. This would also be a perfect solution for personal trainers who wish to train their clients in a private gym.

  1. No gym membership needed

You don’t need a gym membership when you have the luxury of a home gym. This way, you can save money in the long run! Isn’t that great? Gym memberships are a significant monthly expense for many people. You no longer have to worry about this monthly expense when you have a container gym in your backyard.

Perhaps you could share your container gym with the neighbors? This way, you would both save money on memberships and divide the cost of installing the container gym. Just an idea, perhaps the neighbors would be interested!

  1. Privacy

The big advantage of a container gym compared to a regular gym is the level of privacy. Your container gym is yours and yours alone. Often, people in the gym try to start conversations with you with the best intentions. However, we can imagine this might be disturbing.

When you have a container gym, you won’t have to worry about this. There is no waiting for machines, no people staring at you or interrupting your workout routine. Doesn’t that sound like a dream come true?

  1. Portability

As you probably know, a shipping container is portable. This is a unique feature when it comes to container gyms. If necessary, you can move your container gym to another location. Perhaps you will move in a few years or decide to use your container for a different purpose.

However, you should remember that moving your container will come with a price tag as this is not something you can easily do by yourself.


What Does a Container Gym Have to Offer?

A container gym can be a great place to work out close to home. A twenty-foot container has a lot to offer. There is space for multiple different exercises. After all, we all have our own gym routine. Luckily, you can install your container gym just the way you like it.

Many people use a container gym for lifting weights. This is because the strong material of the shipping container has no problem holding this kind of heavyweight. Furthermore, a container gym can be used to do aerobics or yoga. It also offers enough space to dance, practice martial arts, or anything like that.

Although a container gym has many advantages and a lot to offer, it might not be for everyone. After all, it is quite a large job to buy, ship, and place a container gym properly. Let’s have a look and find out whether or not it will be an option for you.

Can You Place a Container Gym in your Backyard?

Are you intrigued by the idea of placing a container gym in your backyard? Then you have to take a few things into consideration before making a decision. Below, we discuss some of the most important things to remember when considering a container gym.

Consider additional costs

When you want to place a container gym in your backyard, purchasing a shipping container won’t be enough. There will be additional costs. Some examples are the delivery costs and the gym equipment costs. It might also be necessary to provide your container with proper flooring. Furthermore, there is a big chance that you will need to lay a foundation for your container. All these things can add up. Therefore, make sure to consider all the costs before making a decision.


Before purchasing a shipping container, you want to make sure that you have enough space available. The worst thing that can happen is to have your container delivered only to find out that you don’t have enough space to put it.

Furthermore, you must also consider whether a twenty-foot container is the correct size for you. Perhaps you will need a bigger container for the purpose of your gym. Make sure to figure all this out before purchasing a shipping container.



A twenty-foot container can be used for a home gym if you have enough space outdoors. A container gym has a lot to offer. You can install your container gym in a way that you get to use it for your favorite workout activities.

However, before making a decision, you should consider all the costs of placing a container gym. Consider the price of the shipping container, delivery costs, and additional costs for installation and decoration.

We hope this article was helpful and hope to see you again soon!

Container Living

Our interests include container homes, narrow boats, and concrete pipe homes. The possibilities are endless with shipping containers and concrete pipe dwellings. This is where we can express ideas and opinions on container houses and methods of use... There has always been an interest in boat life and in particular canal style boats from around the world. The passion is to see a container not just as a box but a potential dwelling. It is a form that can have many facades. It does not have to be traditional nor does it need to be a metal box. The future is open to unique designs. We are here to express our thoughts on the subject...

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