Can I DIY A Shipping Container Home

Shipping containers are cheap, plentiful and easily transported to a location of your desire. You only need prepare foundations for delivery. A shipping container can easily be re purposed and used as a dwelling. The beauty of a shipping container dwelling is that you can develop a single container dwelling or multiple containers building out and or up as the desire to create evolves.

Building a shipping container is more ecologically friendly compared with recycling the metal box. Reusing a shipping container is environmentally positively more friendly. A shipping container home can have all the amenities and floor space as a traditional home. It does take planning.

With over 17 million shipping containers available for repurposing why do we not embrace this opportunity. Structurally strong, durable and ready to assemble, a shipping container has what is needed for a affordable dwelling structure. This article is an overview of a DIY process if this is what you are considering undertaking, read on.

Why not read more of our articles here on Container Living

Before You Begin

First things first. Can you have a shipping container dwelling on your land? Before you do anything you need to ensure that the local council will allow you to construct a shipping container dwelling on your land. You also need to know what restrictions if any will apply to your dwelling. No good starting only to find out you need this and that, or worse you can not proceed.

You will need approval and planing permission in most circumstances. You may find where you are located you have freedom to do what you like. Whilst located in suburbia there are stringent requirements to be met. It is all part of the building game no matter what your location.

Once you have the basics out of the way and you have approval to build or you know you can easily get approval, you can start planning. As this is DIY you may want to lookout for shipping containers for sale that have the basics: doors and windows. You will find a few in various conditions. But you may be able to find a bargain and half your work is already in-place.

Checkout our article How Much Will A 20ft Shipping Container Set You Back? for used and modified containers.

New, Used or For Sale Containers

You will no doubt have considered a new or used container. You may also consider a container that has already been modified. There are benefits in each option. The new means one way and in ‘new’ condition. The used means it may have had a few voyages, has some panel damage, is need of a good paint. Then there are those containers for-sale that have been modified. You can buy modified shipping containers that are new and you can find modified containers for-sale that have been used.

The beauty of a shipping container that has been modified and used is it will be cheap and it may be in reasonably good condition with doors and windows. This in effect could save you hours of work and money. Being DIY the benefits of a used and modified used container is attractive to say the least.

Checking for-sale websites in your location will point you in the direction of possible opportunities. There are bargains to be had if the price is right. It should go without saying you will need to take a good look at the item before purchase. If it is too far gone you walk away. On the other hand get a truck to pick it up as soon as possible.

You might like to read our article Should I Buy a Used or New Container


The most important item on your list is foundations. You need strong supporting foundations for your shipping container project. Foundations can be a large concrete slab or simple concrete base pillars or pylons. Concrete is advisable as it will last longer than wooden pylons.

Setting foundations is crucial to the positioning of your shipping container. Foundations must be positioned in the correct location points to the shipping container base. If you are out in positioning the container will not sit correctly and you will need to start again. If you are concerned seek a qualified builder to pull you through.

Once you have established foundations you are ready for the delivery of your container. The truck bringing your container should have a crane to lift the container into place. Once positioned in place you can then fix it to the concrete blocks. This is not a task you want to get wrong.

You might like to read our article What Foundations Should I Use For my Container Home?

Welding and Cutting

Being DIY means you have skills in welding and cutting or you know a person who can do this for you at a good price. You also need to be a structural engineer or know someone who is, as you will be cutting out metal to replace with doors and windows whilst maintaining structural integrity.

Removing any metal on your shipping container changes its structural stability. Knowing how to retain structural stability is the role of a engineer. You may be required to have certified structural integrity if you wish to have your home approved.

Once all metal cutting is over you then need to fit doors and windows. You will need to construct frames for all doors and windows and ensure structural integrity is maintained. Bearing in mind windows are generally a ‘off the shelf’ set size or made to order. Wooden doors need trimming, aluminium doors are ‘off the shelf’ size or made to order. Sliding doors can be ‘off the shelf’ size or made to order. Considerations well before cutting any metal.

Plumbing and Electrical

Prior to any work the plumbing and electrical requirements need to be sorted. Sewerage needs to be established before the container can be placed. Electrical cabling may need to be in place before placing the container.

In some cases plumbing and electrical can be on the outer perimeter of the container and not underneath. You can install plumbing up to the container and placed on the outside, as can the electrical cabling. You may require approval from council.

Positioning of plumbing and electrical fittings within the container is prime to having a good design. These items will have been placed according to plans approved. You can have exposed plumbing and electrical pipes featured in your container or hidden behind cladding.

You might like to read our article Can I Live Off-Grid in a Shipping Container?

The Internal Fittings

Once everything is in place you will need to look to internal fixtures. This can include insulation, paneling, painting, lighting, heating, and air conditioning. You may even have solar panels installed on the roof. As a DIY you will have appropriate tools to see you through to the end.

Internally you may retain the metal wall and paint it. You could just as easily apply paneling to the walls and ceiling and insulate behind them. There are numerous opportunities here to explore. It comes down to money and time.

Interior design is something you do yourself or seek professional expertise if you have doubts. Keeping in mind a shipping container home is no different to a traditional home. Both require internal design and suit your needs.

Still have doubts? Read our article Planning A Shipping Container Home you might find some inspiration.


If you are a person with a few skills like welding or carpentry or even have experience with concrete and are comfortable in undertaking the task of modifying a shipping container into a home, go for it. You may be a person who knows people who have theses skills and more. You know you can ask them to help or even contract them to build your shipping container home. Go for it.

We agree that shipping containers are a cheaper option than traditional home building. We also know we can achieve similar results with shipping containers. We are well aware that shipping containers allow us to include solar power and off grid capability more than a traditional home.

If you have worked out a budget, have approval to live in a shipping container home in your chosen location, can sort out required approvals and can call on experts if you need help, go for it. DIY yourself into a shipping container home and enjoy the life style. No life long mortgage, freedom to be yourself and a home to live. What could be better.

Container Living

Our interests include container homes, narrow boats, and concrete pipe homes. The possibilities are endless with shipping containers and concrete pipe dwellings. This is where we can express ideas and opinions on container houses and methods of use... There has always been an interest in boat life and in particular canal style boats from around the world. The passion is to see a container not just as a box but a potential dwelling. It is a form that can have many facades. It does not have to be traditional nor does it need to be a metal box. The future is open to unique designs. We are here to express our thoughts on the subject...

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