Can I Live in a Shipping Container Home in the USA?

Today, many people are looking for alternative housing options. After all, the persistent housing shortage calls for drastic measures. Many people have therefore studied the possibilities that container homes have to offer. But now you may be wondering; Can I live in a shipping container home in the USA?

Most states in America allow residents to live legally in container homes. However, each state has its own rules. Therefore, you must research and follow local codes and regulations. In addition, as each state has its own laws regarding construction, make sure to know yours before you start building your container home properly.

Would you like to learn more about living in a container home in the USA? Then we recommend that you read the article below thoroughly. We tell you everything you need to know about the various regulations in the United States. We have no doubt that this article will give you more insight into living in a container home in America.

Correct Permits are Required before Building

As mentioned, each state can have its own regulations regarding construction. Usually, you can’t start rebuilding your shipping container into a home without a permit. Furthermore, each state has its own zoning laws and building codes. These must be followed to make your container home legal. Now you probably wonder; Which permits do I need to build a shipping container home? Let’s have a look!

Most states stick to global building regulations for the development of all construction. Therefore, it’s wise to abide by these global requirements when building your container home. However, besides those main requirements, every county has different building codes. Make sure to be familiar with these codes and see if your shipping container home will meet the specifications.

Go as local as possible for rules regarding living in container homes. Start with a visit to your municipality. After, have a look at the township rules, county requirements, and state laws. We have no doubt that all of these will give you the information you need on the correct permits for your container home in the USA. This information is crucial for you to live in a container home legally. After all, you don’t want to risk a fine, do you?

The Best States for Container Homes

As long as you follow the local rules, you can legally live in a container home in most of the US. Below you will find a glance at some popular states to live in with your container home. First, we will briefly look at some of the most popular states of America. Then, we will also look at some of the general rules these states practice.

  1. Texas

Texas is by far one of the most favorable locations for shipping container homes. Houston, for example, is known for having no zoning laws. However, ordinance codes apply. The overall rules regarding construction are liberal and mild. Therefore, it’s a great place for people to live with their shipping container home.

As container homes are quite popular in Texas, you will find multiple contractors who specialize in container home construction. Hiring such a professional can save you lots of time. Furthermore, they will help you avoid commonly made mistakes by container homeowners. Long story short, Texas is a great place to settle with your container home.

  1. California

Although the state of California is quite strict regarding building permits, it is doing some great work on environmental and sustainable building. Therefore, you will see this trend in California’s container homes.

Many of those will be prefabricated container homes. Furthermore, you might see more hybrid options. These hybrid options combine shipping containers with other structures. This enables people to implement durable features into their container homes. That sounds great, doesn’t it?

It is important to remember that California is known for its natural disasters, such as earthquakes and wildfires. This should definitely be taken into consideration when designing the foundation of your container home. Also, the ventilation system must be suitable for this specific environment.

  1. Florida

The third state we want to dive a little deeper into is the state of Florida. It’s a great place to live as the sunny weather never disappoints. Most counties within Florida have favorable laws regarding living in container homes. However, there are a few strict rules regarding water and the ocean front. Therefore, you must check the construction rules before building a container home near a lake or any other type of open water.

Florida is a beautiful place to live. The breathtaking views are definitely worth considering as your next home.

  1. Hawaii

Are you a fan of tropical weather? Then Hawaii might just be the place for you. And there is good news for container homeowners. Throughout the entire state of Hawaii, shipping containers are allowed to be used as homes. Local homeowner’s associations usually have the final say in requirements. This often makes things a lot easier for everyone.

It’s important to keep in mind that Hawaii has a tropical climate. This means that good shades are absolutely a necessity. Furthermore, proper ventilation is also essential for your shipping container home in Hawaii.

  1. Tennessee

The last state in our top 5 is Tennessee. This state is very favorable for container home residents. Some locations in Tennessee don’t require any building permits. It’s simply a lenient state when it comes to home construction. However, you will need permits for plumbing and electricity. Therefore, some permits will probably be necessary for most people unless you decide to live totally off-grid. Wanna learn more about that? Check it out here! Can I Live Off-Grid in a Shipping Container?

Especially prefabricated container homes are popular in the state of Tennessee. If your budget allows you to do so, you could buy a ready-to-live-in container home. Furthermore, you will be able to find plenty of suitable professionals that can help you make your shipping container a dream house!


This article has come to an end. We learned about shipping containers in the USA and whether it is legal to live in one. Luckily, most states allow you to live in a shipping container home. This is obviously great news for container homeowners. However, in all states, different rules and regulations apply regarding building and construction. Therefore, you should always go to the local council to learn more about your container home’s requirements in the state of your choice.

Some popular American states for container homeowners are Texas, California, Florida, Hawaii, and Tennessee. Most of these have favorable rules regarding building permits et cetera. Furthermore, most of the states have a great climate that most people adore. So, will you be the next container home resident in one of these beautiful states?

Make sure to check out the rest of our blogs regarding container homes. Thank you for stopping by, and we hope to see you again soon


Container Living

Our interests include container homes, narrow boats, and concrete pipe homes. The possibilities are endless with shipping containers and concrete pipe dwellings. This is where we can express ideas and opinions on container houses and methods of use... There has always been an interest in boat life and in particular canal style boats from around the world. The passion is to see a container not just as a box but a potential dwelling. It is a form that can have many facades. It does not have to be traditional nor does it need to be a metal box. The future is open to unique designs. We are here to express our thoughts on the subject...

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