Can I Live Off-Grid in a Shipping Container? Here’s the Truth!

Today more people are choosing to leave the conventional way of life behind and build a sustainable existence in the great outdoors. This phenomenon is more commonly known as off-grid living. However, this lifestyle can look different for everyone. For example, one family completely shuts itself off from any form of technology, while the other simply wish to live closer to nature. But now you, as a container homeowner, may wonder whether it is possible to live off-grid in a container home.

Living off-grid in a shipping container is possible and do-able. You will find a shipping container is cost-effective, sustainable, modifiable, and available everywhere. Therefore, it makes a great affordable off-grid home. Make sure to research a power source, sewerage, water supply, and heating system.

Do you want to know more about living off-grid with your container home? Then we strongly recommend that you read the article below. Here we tell you everything you need to know about this unique existence and what possibilities your container home entails. You don’t want to miss this!

Can I Live Off-Grid in a Shipping Container Home?

Living an off-grid sustainable lifestyle in a shipping container home is definitely possible. Some even state that a container home is perfect for off-grid living. Why would they say so? There are a few reasons why shipping containers are useful building blocks for your off-grid living space. Let’s have a look at some of the main benefits that a container home has to offer.

Cost Effective

We all know that housing prices are through the roof right now. This is another reason why some people choose to live off-grid. However, when doing so in a container home, this doesn’t have to be expensive. After all, shipping containers are cost-effective.

Depending on the quality and condition of the container home, you can purchase them for just a few thousand dollars. Of course, you also have to make a budget for converting the shipping container into an actual home. However, nine out of ten times, this will still be cheaper than buying or renting an actual house or apartment.

Sustainability & Durability

As you probably know, a shipping container has a rock-solid foundation that is designed to handle international transport. Therefore, it can also endure all possible weather conditions without any damage. They are extremely durable and can last for decades.

Buying a used shipping container to convert into a home is definitely a sustainable way of living. If you weren’t using this old sea container, it might end up as waste material. Therefore, you can definitely pat yourself on the shoulder for doing the right thing for the environment!


Shipping container homes are great for off-grid living as you can easily modify them. You can design and decorate your container exactly the way you always dreamed of. You can add doors, windows, plumbing, and electricity to your container home. Of course, you will probably need some professionals to help you get the job done.

Luckily, many workshops specialize in constructing container homes across the country. Therefore, we do not doubt that you will find a suitable company to help you realize your dreams.

Availability & Transportability

As container homes are quite popular at the moment, there are plenty to choose from in almost every city. After all, they are used for modern trade and are quite cheap to manufacture. So we do not doubt that plenty of containers will also be available in your city.

Another great aspect of container homes is their transportability. After all, they are literally designed to be transported anywhere in the world. Your container home can be delivered on a truck, a train, a ship, or even through the air.

Things to Consider When Living Off-Grid in a Container Home

Living completely off-grid will require proper preparation. Therefore, we discuss a few things to consider when living off-grid in a container home. Let’s dive into some of the most important aspects.


Living totally off-grid usually requires some form of power generation. Often, this will be a form of power generation that is based on local renewable energy sources. Some examples are solar, wind, hydroelectric, or geothermal power.

Solar power is, without a doubt, the easiest to set up for your container home. Some people used to work with available diesel generators. However, we advise against this as this option is less environmentally friendly and can cost much more money.

Sewerage & Water Supply

After installing an off-grid power supply, you must address your sewerage and water supply. The best way to do so will depend on where your off-grid container home is located. Are you close to a source of groundwater? Then this will be relatively easy. Are you located in a rainy area? Then you could use this rainwater to your advantage. However, keep in mind that the water will have to be filtered thoroughly.

Another aspect of the water and sewerage is getting rid of the wastewater. You obviously want to do this safely and legally. This might be a challenge. The most common options are compost toilets or septic tank systems. However, you will need to check the local regulations regarding these options.

Heating & Cooking

As the winters can get quite chilly, it is crucial to consider heating when living off-grid in a container home. Your first step will be to ensure proper insulation of your container home. This will help a great deal! Additionally, installing a fireplace can be a good way to heat your home.

When it comes to cooking, we advise a gas hob. You can simply set up a system with a gas bottle. Make sure it is located in a protected cover outside of the kitchen. After all, you always want to put safety first, isn’t that right?

Tips to Build an Off-Grid Shipping Container Home

Below we will discuss a few tips that will help you in your journey to living off-grid in a shipping container home.

  • Find the right container for you

The first step will be to find the best container for you. Ask yourself, how much space do I need, so how big should by container be? Furthermore, you want to ensure that your container is in good condition. Do you wish to learn more about checking a container home before purchasing one? Make sure to read this blog we wrote about it! Buying a Container Home – What Should You Pay Attention To?

  • Proper foundation

Anyone living in a container home will need a proper foundation. There are a few different options. The most popular option is the use of concrete piers. This is the simplest and most inexpensive type of foundation. However, there is a big chance that you will need to hire a professional to take care of your container home foundation. Do you want to learn more about the different types of foundations? Luckily, we wrote an entire blog about it. Check it out! What Foundations Should I Use For my Container Home?

  • Insulation

As mentioned before, proper insulation is very important in any shipping container home. The easiest way to insulate your container home is with the use of spray foam. This technique allows you to spray insulation into the walls of your container home. However, if you don’t have any experience with this, we advise you to hire a professional. This is, without a doubt, the fastest and safest way.


In this article, we learned that living off-grid in a container home is possible. Some might even state that a shipping container is perfect for this unique lifestyle, as a container home is sustainable, modifiable, and cost-effective. However, before living off-grid in a container home, there are a few things you need to take into consideration. For example, you must consider power generation, sewerage, water supply, and heating.

Furthermore, proper foundation and insulation are crucial for comfortably living off-grid in a container home. Check out the other blogs we wrote about the container home lifestyle.

Thank you for stopping by, and we hope to see you again soon!


Container Living

Our interests include container homes, narrow boats, and concrete pipe homes. The possibilities are endless with shipping containers and concrete pipe dwellings. This is where we can express ideas and opinions on container houses and methods of use... There has always been an interest in boat life and in particular canal style boats from around the world. The passion is to see a container not just as a box but a potential dwelling. It is a form that can have many facades. It does not have to be traditional nor does it need to be a metal box. The future is open to unique designs. We are here to express our thoughts on the subject...

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