Can I Live on a Narrow Boat in the UK? Here’s the Answer!

Can I Live on a Narrow Boat in the UK? Here’s the Answer!

More and more people are leaving dry land and deciding to live on a boat. We see this phenomenon in multiple places around the world. Also in the UK, living on a boat has become increasingly more popular. However, living on the narrow British canals might be a bigger challenge than you think. So today, we answer the question: “Can I live on a narrow boat in the UK?”.

Living on a narrowboat in the UK is great for nature lovers. It can be a cheap housing option that offers a lot of freedom. However, you should also realize that living on such a boat will give you less privacy and limited storage space.

Do you wish to learn more about living aboard a narrowboat in the UK? Then you have come to the right place. In the article below, we will tell you everything there is to know about this unique housing option. So, let’s dive into the topic right away!

For more articles on narrow canal boat life visit our other reads here on Boat Life

Can I Live on a Narrow Boat in the UK? Here’s the Answer!
Can I Live on a Narrow Boat in the UK? Here’s the Answer!

Can You Live on a Narrow Boat in the UK?

Living on a narrowboat in the UK is definitely possible as many people have made this dream a reality. Although living on such a narrow boat will bring its own challenges, it is possible to convert this canal boat into a home. But before we dive deeper into living on a narrowboat in the UK, we should first get a better understanding of what a narrowboat actually is. After all, it’s important to know what we are talking about in the rest of this article.

What is a narrowboat?

The name of the narrowboat is quite self-explanatory. It is a canal boat that was specially built to fit the narrow locks of the United Kingdom. Originally, these boats were used for the transportation of goods. However, many narrowboats were converted into permanent homes after the seventies. Thousands of these boats are currently still in the UK. Some people live in a narrowboat on a permanent mooring, while others continuously cruise. Living on a narrowboat in the United Kingdom has become a unique lifestyle.

Is living on a narrowboat easy?

Living on a narrowboat won’t always be easy. The boat has a maximum width of 7 feet. The maximum length can be up to 72 feet. These unique measurements will definitely bring their challenges as you won’t usually find houses or apartments of these sizes.

This means you might have to get creative with the space you have. A narrowboat can be pretty spacious. It just takes some getting used to the interesting dimensions. You will simply have to place anything you don’t have space for in the boat’s width in the other direction. After all, there is plenty of room with a length of 70 feet.

Why Live on a Narrow Boat in the UK?

Perhaps you are wondering why people choose to live on a narrowboat in the UK. Below we discuss some of the most common reasons people live on this type of boat.

  • Freedom

Living on a boat gives the residents a sense of freedom. Contrary to living on a houseboat in Amsterdam, where it is not allowed to cruise the canals, in the United Kingdom, you do have the freedom to visit new places with your narrowboat. Although you will need the right permits and insurance, it will be worth it when you can visit many different places in the UK while having your house with you the entire time.

  • Close to nature

Are you a nature lover? Then living on a narrowboat might just be something you will enjoy. After all, it will enable you to spend much time outdoors and enjoy multiple beautiful aspects of nature. Incredible views, the smell of fresh cut grass in the morning, and the sound of raindrops. It doesn’t get any better than that, does it?

  • A unique lifestyle that keeps you active

Living on a narrowboat is definitely a unique lifestyle. There is no doubt that it will keep you fit and active. However, adapting to the narrowboat lifestyle will totally change your daily routine. Do you see yourself admiring the wildlife and beautiful scenery on this floating cabin in the British canals?

  • Living on a narrowboat can be a cheaper housing option

We all know that the housing market is overheated in almost every part of the world. The United Kingdom is no exception. Soaring prices make it almost impossible for people to buy a house or apartment in England. Living on a boat can be a good alternative. Of course, it is important to remember that purchasing a good boat also costs a good amount of money. However, it won’t be as bad as buying an apartment in the city.

Can I Live on a Narrow Boat in the UK? Here’s the Answer!
Can I Live on a Narrow Boat in the UK? Here’s the Answer!

Disadvantages of Living on a Narrow Boat in the UK

As mentioned, living on a narrowboat might not be for everyone as it requires a lot of commitment to change your daily life routine. Therefore, you might want to educate yourself on the disadvantages of living on a narrowboat before making any decisions. Below we discuss some of the most significant disadvantages people might experience while living on a narrowboat.

  • Look for moorings

You won’t always be on the go with your narrowboat. Therefore, you also need to find and schedule moorings. This isn’t always as easy as it sounds. Popular spots might have long wait lists. Therefore, looking for a place to moor your boat might be wise before actually purchasing your new floating home.

  • Less privacy

Although some narrowboats can be surprisingly spacious, you are still very likely to deal with less privacy than you would have in a regular house. Especially when you live on a narrowboat with a spouse or kids, this could be a big challenge.

Are you a person who needs their private space? Then you might want to reconsider whether living on a narrowboat with your family is the best decision.

  • Limited space for storage

Living on a narrowboat in the UK requires somewhat of a minimalist approach as you will have limited space for storage. This limited space requires every inch of the boat to be properly used. Adopting a minimalistic lifestyle into your life will help you with this. After all, it will be much easier for a minimalist to live on a boat than for someone who enjoys clutter.

  • Dealing with waste

As you probably realize, living on a narrowboat is not always rainbows and sunshine. It takes quite a bit of work. For example, have you thought about dealing with waste on your boat? Where and when will you be emptying the toilet? And perhaps more important: ‘WHO’ will empty the toilet? These are definitely important things to think about beforehand. This way, you prevent problems or frustrations within the family.

Can I Live on a Narrow Boat in the UK? Here’s the Answer!
Can I Live on a Narrow Boat in the UK? Here’s the Answer!


We hope this article gave you a better understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of living on a narrowboat in the UK. We can conclude that it is a great way of living for people who enjoy freedom and nature. Furthermore, it can be a cheaper way of living compared to buying an apartment in the UK.

Some disadvantages of living on a narrowboat are limited storage and privacy. You also have to realize that you will have to deal with waste. Last but not least, make sure that you find a place to moor your boat, as many popular spots might have wait lists.

The Narrowboat Guide

A guide to choosing, owning, and maintaining a narrowboat. This is a PDF document for download. Written by Tony Jones. All rights reserved. Made available for download.

We are asking a cup of tea donation for providing this download service on our website. It will also help us to continue this project by volunteer writers who share an interest. Your contribution is warmly welcomed and appreciated.

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