Can I Use A Traditional Door Handle For My Shipping Container Home

Traditional door handles can be used on your shipping container home for internal doors. We can assume that a single container home will use sliding doors rather than opening doors given space restrictions. That is not to say you can not have an opening door. It is a matter of choice.

Traditional door handles are more than suitable for your shipping container home. Where two or more containers are used to create your home, the use of opening doors given the more needed space, is feasible and desirable. In which case traditional door handles may be used.

Door handles are an essential component of any door and it is no different when a shipping container is being used as the template of your home. Doors and door frames are there to help separate rooms and provide privacy within. Read on…

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Shipping Container Home Entry

The main double metal shipping container doors are generally kept as a feature of a shipping container. They also offer security if you are away and wish to seal the building. Generally a entry door facade is built within as a everyday entrance.

These facade entries are usually in the guise of a glass sliding door entry or a traditional style entry is built with wooden doors and frame work. Using the sliding door scenario, the use of pull handles or flush pulls will adorn the glass framed sliding door. The sliding glass doors will run on standard track. A lock will be fabricated into the door style providing basic security for your home.

Where a wooden facade is built with a single or double entry door, a lock is fitted to secure the safety of the premises. Wooden doors can wear proudly entrance pull handles or a traditional door handle on plate. On double doors a pair of entrance pull handles will present a grand gesture to welcome visitors and friends.

Examples of entry pull handles can be viewed on the adh website link for inspiration and styles. It is always good advice to visit showrooms when selecting door hardware. It’s very much like a car, always test drive before you buy. The feel of the metal, the style, shape and sensation is something you can only know from a showroom.

Door Thickness Concerns

As a general guide Australian door standards are 35mm thick and the majority of quality door hardware is designed for 35mm fittings. However non standard doors with a non standard thickness between 25mm and 34mm are obtainable. Usually imported doors, some with hardware fixed, others without, are non standard and will cause you concern. Solid doors are generally 45mm thick especially in the case of fire exit doors.

With non standard thickness and generally cheaper doors, standard hardware is not suitable. There are some door handle suppliers that offer fittings to suit less than 35mm thick doors. Not all fittings are compatible to other door handles. It is advisable to steer clear of non standard door fittings to save potential modification headaches.

You might like to read this article I came across Standard Door Thickness for more information.

You will probably find European and US door thickness vary as do Australasian standards. No doubt door hardware standards will differ country to country. Where you are will dictate what your needs are going to be. A good door hardware supplier will be able to provide those details and offer door hardware to suit.

The Choice of Door Handle

Internal doors are usually hollow or panel doors but solid doors can also be used. Typical of a traditional home hollow, panel or solid doors are found inside. Your bedroom door is likely a panel door but it could just as well be solid core. What handle fits these doors? The realm of door handles is immense.

A quality door hardware store will be able to show you their range. There are many door handle styles to choose from that will fit your home. Door handles that are straight, curved, squared, round, and intricate. It is going to depend on what style your home interior is taking. Be it classic, traditional, modern, retro, or Art Deco there are door handles to suit all styles.

Why, there is no reason your shipping container home can not portray a classic style appearance inside and out. Perhaps a Art Deco style is appealing to you or a modern style with straight lines and stainless steel highlights. What ever it is you are designing you can achieve it all with shipping containers as your base frame.

It goes without saying there are literally thousands of door handles available. Not all door handles are the same. Look for quality and material as your primary need then style. Visit a showroom that has display of door hardware. I will offer this link to ADH as a go to reference point. They have quality and variety.

Sliding Doors

You no doubt will consider sliding door options for your container home. Sliding doors offer better use of space where a door is needed. In early Japan, sliding paper walls were a common thing, allowing separation of room enclosures. Today not so common although the idea still remains.

A sliding door can separate two rooms with ease and not encroach on available room area. It is common practice to use flush pulls as a means to slide the door across as it runs on rails. Flush pulls come in various lengths and you will find them in traditional homes on sliding doors.

Sliding doors we will find on balcony’s. cupboards, even entrance doors. Behind the container double doors you may entertain a facade entry using a sliding glass door. Here you may like to use entrance pull handles or the simplicity of flush pulls. There is a range of sliding door options available and a good door hardware supplier will have them.


Once you have made your interior choice of interior styling you can proceed with interior design of color, flooring, furniture and decor. Sounds simple, but it does require some careful thought and planing. A single container home is less spacious and requires practical use of sliding doors to separate room. Whereas multiple containers allow for more spacious extravagant use of opening doors and furniture.

Traditional door hardware is at home in a modern container home, your home. The delights and joys of selecting door hardware is yours to embrace. The difficulty presents its self when you realise the abundant choices there are of door hardware. Prepare you self with the ideal design, shape and finish of the door handle. Touch and feel the handle in a display showroom. The warmth of a handle in your hand can make or break the desire.

Door hardware is designed to be a functional part of your home. Door hardware allows you to open and close doors, open windows to the outside, bring fresh air within and invite family and guests over. Interior design incorporates door hardware along with color, style, furnishings and comfort to your home. You have the choice of all that is available. What will you choose?

Container Living

Our interests include container homes, narrow boats, and concrete pipe homes. The possibilities are endless with shipping containers and concrete pipe dwellings. This is where we can express ideas and opinions on container houses and methods of use... There has always been an interest in boat life and in particular canal style boats from around the world. The passion is to see a container not just as a box but a potential dwelling. It is a form that can have many facades. It does not have to be traditional nor does it need to be a metal box. The future is open to unique designs. We are here to express our thoughts on the subject...

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