Unveiling the Mysterious Decommissioning of Container Doors!

Those big double container doors are a feature of a shipping container. Like an entrance to a castle big and impressive. Four great pillar rods top to bottom stop intruders from entering. The doors are usually made of heavy-duty steel, which makes them strong enough to withstand the stresses of transportation and handling.

Shipping container doors are an impressive engineering feat. Shipping containers typically have two large doors at one end of the container that swing open to allow access to the interior of the container. Made for entry, but not for exit! These doors are designed to be secure and durable, while also being easy to operate.

They are typically equipped with locking bars or handles that can be secured with padlocks or other security devices, which helps to prevent unauthorized access to the container’s contents. The double doors on a shipping container are also designed to be watertight, which helps to protect the container’s contents from moisture and humidity. This is especially important when shipping goods over long distances, as exposure to water can cause damage to many types of cargo.

Overall, the design of shipping container doors is an impressive combination of functionality, durability, and security. It’s a testament to the ingenuity and creativity of the engineers and designers who have worked to develop this essential component of modern transportation and logistics.


Feature Doors Non Lockable Outside

Shipping container doors can be impressive features, and it may be desirable to keep them unlocked from the outside for aesthetic or practical reasons. However, it’s important to balance this with the need for security and to ensure that the contents of the container are protected from theft or unauthorized access.

One way to achieve this is to use a locking mechanism that can be easily locked and unlocked from the inside of the container, but cannot be opened from the outside. This can include slide bolts or other types of locking mechanisms that are installed on the inside of the container doors and can be operated from within the container. These types of locks can provide a high level of security, while still allowing the container doors to be used as features or for other practical purposes.

Another option is to use a security system that can monitor the container and alert you if there is any unauthorized access. This can include alarms, sensors, or other types of security devices that can be installed on the container and linked to a central monitoring system. By using a security system in conjunction with a locking mechanism, you can ensure that the container doors remain unlocked from the outside while still providing a high level of security for the contents of the container.

Overall, while it may be desirable to keep shipping container doors unlocked from the outside, it’s important to balance this with the need for security and to take appropriate measures to protect the contents of the container. By using a combination of locking mechanisms and security systems, you can achieve both of these goals and ensure that your container is both functional and secure.

The Locking Mechanism

The locking mechanism of shipping container doors is typically a system of locking bars and handles that can be secured with a padlock or other locking device.

The doors on a standard shipping container are usually hinged on one end and swing open along the length of the container. Each door has a number of locking bars that run vertically along the outside of the door, typically spaced at regular intervals.

When the doors are closed, these locking bars engage with the locking mechanism on the top and bottom frame to secure the doors in place. The locking mechanism is typically located near the top and bottom of the doors and consists of a series of pins and sockets that interlock when the doors are closed.

Once the doors are securely closed and the locking bars are engaged, a padlock or other locking device can be attached to the locking handles to prevent the doors from being opened. This provides an additional layer of security to help prevent unauthorized access to the contents of the container.

Overall, the locking mechanism on shipping container doors is designed to be strong, secure, and easy to operate. It’s an essential component of the container’s design, helping to protect the cargo during transportation and storage.

Decommission Practice

When a shipping container is decommissioned or taken out of service, it is common practice to disable the locking mechanism by cutting the locking bars short so that they cannot engage the socket on the opposite door. This is done to ensure that the container cannot be locked and therefore cannot be used to transport goods.

Cutting the locking bars short is a relatively simple and effective way to disable the locking mechanism on the doors. However, it’s important to note that this should only be done by qualified professionals who have the necessary tools and expertise to do the job safely and effectively.

It’s also worth noting that some shipping containers are designed to be “high-cube” containers, which are taller than standard containers. These containers have a different locking mechanism that uses longer locking bars to secure the doors. If you’re decommissioning a high-cube container, you may need to take additional steps to disable the locking mechanism and ensure that the container cannot be used for transport.

A Decommission Container Door

When the locking mechanism on shipping container doors is disabled during decommissioning, the doors can be used without being locked from the outside. This means that the doors can be opened and closed freely without the need for a key or other locking device. You can not be locked in!

However, it’s important to keep in mind that when the doors are not locked, the contents of the container may be vulnerable to theft or unauthorized access. Therefore, if you’re using a decommissioned shipping container for storage or other purposes, it’s recommended that you take additional security measures to ensure that the contents of the container are protected.

This may include adding additional locking mechanisms to the interior of the container, such as slide bolts or cross bars, or installing a security system to monitor the container and its contents. It’s also important to choose a secure location for the container, such as a fenced or gated area, and to ensure that the container is well-lit and visible to deter potential thieves or vandals.

Overall, while decommissioning the locking mechanism on shipping container doors may allow for easier access to the contents of the container, it’s important to take additional security measures to ensure that the container and its contents are fully protected.

After Decommission Add Slide Bolts

You can add slide bolts or other types of locking mechanisms to the inside of shipping container doors after the locking bars have been cut short during decommissioning. This can provide an additional layer of security to help prevent unauthorized access to the container’s contents.

Slide bolts are a common type of locking mechanism that can be easily installed on the inside of shipping container doors. They consist of a sliding bolt that can be moved into a locking position to secure the doors in place. Slide bolts can be installed on both the top and bottom of the doors to provide additional security.

It’s worth noting that if you’re planning to add slide bolts or other types of locking mechanisms to a shipping container, you should use high-quality hardware that is designed to withstand the stresses of transportation and handling. You should also ensure that the locking mechanism is properly installed and tested to ensure that it is working effectively.

Overall, adding slide bolts or other types of locking mechanisms to shipping container doors can be an effective way to improve the security of the container and prevent unauthorized access to its contents.

Simple yet effective wooden cross beam system

Cross Beam Locking

For many the container doors will form a facade when closed over glass sliding doors. Using a cross bar is another option for locking shipping container doors from the inside. A cross bar is a heavy-duty steel bar or wood beam that is designed to fit across the interior of the container’s doors, preventing them from being opened from the outside.

Cross bars can be an effective way to secure the interior of a shipping container, as they are very difficult to tamper with or remove without the appropriate tools. They are typically installed by placing the bar across the interior of the doors and securing it in place using brackets or other hardware.

One advantage of using a cross bar to lock shipping container doors is that it can be easily installed and removed as needed, without the need for any special tools or equipment. This can make it a convenient option for securing the container during transportation or storage.

However, it’s important to ensure that the cross bar is properly installed and secured to prevent it from shifting or becoming dislodged during transport. It’s also worth noting that using a cross bar to secure the container from the inside will not prevent unauthorized access to the exterior of the container. For this reason, it’s important to take additional security measures, such as installing high-quality locking mechanisms, to ensure that the container and its contents are fully protected.


In some ways, shipping container doors can be thought of as the doors of castles. They are designed to be incredibly durable and secure, and they play a critical role in protecting the contents of the container from theft, damage, or unauthorized access.

Like the doors of a castle, shipping container doors can be reinforced with additional locking mechanisms, such as padlocks, slide bolts, or cross bars, to provide additional layers of security. These locking mechanisms are designed to be difficult to tamper with or break, making it very challenging for unauthorized individuals to gain access to the container.

Additionally, shipping container doors are often made from heavy-duty steel or other durable materials, which can withstand harsh weather conditions and other types of wear and tear. This helps to ensure that the doors remain strong and secure over time, even in challenging environments.

Overall, while shipping container doors may not be as ornate or decorative as the doors of a castle, they serve a similar function in providing security and protection for the contents of the container. As such, they are a critical component of shipping container design and play a key role in keeping the contents of the container safe and secure.

Container Living

Our interests include container homes, narrow boats, and concrete pipe homes. The possibilities are endless with shipping containers and concrete pipe dwellings. This is where we can express ideas and opinions on container houses and methods of use... There has always been an interest in boat life and in particular canal style boats from around the world. The passion is to see a container not just as a box but a potential dwelling. It is a form that can have many facades. It does not have to be traditional nor does it need to be a metal box. The future is open to unique designs. We are here to express our thoughts on the subject...

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