Outline To Build A Container Home

What are the steps to building a Container Home

We’ve made our minds up and it is going to be a shipping container home. First thing we need to establish is to find our from local council if we can build a shipping container home on our chosen location. This is only preliminary at this stage. So we are not looking for approvals and such like. We just want to know if we can build with a shipping container or not.

Shipping containers are now being used to create affordable living spaces for those in need. The shipping container house trend has allowed many to afford their own dwelling and to design a space that is uniquely their own. In fact shipping containers are functional as apartments, hotels, and for those who wish to have something very unique to their tastes.

Assuming we have the verbal approval or the nod that council will look favorably at a shipping container home, we need to move on to design. Design will look at the purpose of the home, the size required, the floor plan the appearance inside and out. Design is two fold. Firstly it provides you with the desired outcome, secondly it provides council with a description, eg. you are not building a shed! Lets now look at an overview of the process. Read on…

Why not read more of our articles here on Shipping Container Living

Design is the Key Factor in Moving Forward

Knowing that we can build using a shipping container, the design of your container home can begin. You can contract a professional like an architect or a company that specializes in container home construction. You can DIY. Either way, the design is going to be the most crucial development. Without design, you can literally end up with a lump of metal.

Things to consider:

  • Are we looking at two container high or just ground level. Maybe three container high.
  • Consider how many rooms you’d like in the house and their functional purpose.
  • Will we need to expand in the future, adding another container or two?
  • The location of key elements such as doors and windows: sliding or opening?
  • When reviewing window options, consider the value of natural light. Light can help make the space seem larger and more open.
  • How do design elements interact with available space. For example, will your refrigerator and oven door open without interfering with movement. How much space is available to open appliances . Is there a clear way to other rooms?
  • Power options: solar and or electric, gas, fire, and battery
  • Water catchment: tank, dam, supply source.
  • Rural and Suburbia attract different services. What is in my local?

An Architect will be a key person involved in the building of your container home. An engineer will be a key person in structural change. This is particularly important if the design of the container involves moving load-bearing walls. Adding structural elements that can impact the safety of the container requires an understanding of containers. Make sure all drawings are signed off on by a qualified engineer and that you are satisfied with your design plans before moving forward.

Container Size

Establishing what size containers you will be using is crucial to any design process. Most common are the 20ft and 40ft containers. There is also internal size. Most common is 8ft but there is the 9ft high container. Perhaps the 9ft is more suitable to living but also more expensive to purchase.

You can use either size or you can combine them. That is the beauty of container design. When reviewing the marketplace, you will be able to find new and used containers. Make sure you view the container directly and have a clear understanding of its past usage. Some used containers carried chemicals. All containers should undergo thorough internal cleansing

Now you can begin to shop for the right container for your tiny home. New or used container? We have an article you may like to read: Does Size Matter: 20ft vs 40ft Container as a Home

Finalize the Design

Review all design phases. Review additional elements such as insulation, flooring, and roofing. Including plumbing, sewerage and electrical access. Consider your day-to-day lifestyle in the home. How will you remove waste from the property. How will you bring electricity into each room in the home? Driveway and path access.

Having an idea of landscape is important, so you know what goes where and how it will meet your expectations. Consulting an Architect can alleviate many problems before they occur. The design can be finalized once you know exactly what works and what doesn’t.

When all design features are decided and finalized, you still need building approval. Having a detailed design will enhance the approval process. You should not proceed further until all approvals are signed off.

Land Preparation

With land, it will need plumbing and electrical preparation. Sewerage needs to be established. Then foundations need to be established. When building the foundations for the home, consider whether the container will be elevated from the ground. There are different types of suitable foundations. A concrete slab is expensive, concrete legs are more the option. Make sure you consider the use of concrete strips and slabs in order to provide structural support to the container home for the years ahead. Once the land is prepared, you are ready for the delivery of the container.

Part of the foundation process and construction is the method by which the container is attached to the foundation. Having this planned in advance can save time and modification later. If you are having your container modified off site, you may want to add the foundation attachment fittings made and ready attached to your container.

You may like to read our article What Foundations Should I Use For my Container Home?

Container Delivery – The Big Day

When your container arrives it will need to be positioned into place. Many container delivery operations organise the delivery process for you. This includes a crane service. During the placement process, ensure the container is positioned perfectly on the foundations according to your requirements. It’s not easy to move a container after the event!

When containers have been positioned, the affect can be overwhelming. In front of you is the total of all those weeks and hours of design preparation and decision making. No it’s not complete but what you see is the outer design, the container home. Unlike a traditional home when weeks go by and brick by brick the house evolves. With a container home it literally can be hours and then it is in place.

Connecting Containers

Often, the building of a shipping container home requires the use of two or more containers in order to create the ideal space. If you’re using two or more containers, make sure that you take on the connection process at this stage. This could involve the use of clamps or bolts to make a secure connection.

Once the containers have been planted, the connection phase can begin to join all elements as one. This also includes attachment to foundations. In some cases there may be additional roofing applied to the structure if you have included that in design.

The Container Development Process

You may DIY or you may have contracted a professional business to modify your container pre-delivery or positioned onsite. After the design phase, the actual structural work on the container can begin. This involves cutting doors and windows, internal wall and partitioning, inclusion of plumbing and electrical. All can be done pre-delivery or post delivery.

Opening Phase

A container is structurally strong as design is for ocean going voyage. However when you start cutting into the walls the structure becomes compromised. When undertaking the openings process consideration needs to be given to strengthening the structure. Door frames and window frames will become apart of the structural integrity. This is where professional help is required. It’s all very well building a straw hut, until the wind blows it down. Structural integrity is everything. Make your container home sound.


Most containers come with a wooden sub floor. You can remove it. You can refurbish it. Some flooring has been treated with harsh chemicals in order to provide work safety. You may decide to remove the existing flooring and build a new fresh wooden sub floor. This will help provide a safer and healthier environment to live in.

You could of course choose an entirely different floor base. Tiles are an option as is concrete. There are many options depending on what it is you fancy.

Insulation Structure

You may decide insulation is a necessity. This should have been a decision during design phase. There are alternative insulation practices other than just internal wall insulation. These would include false roofing, verandah surrounds, shading by trees.

With internal wall insulation, you need to add framing to the container. Then begin covering the interior walls of the home. The insulation process can take some time, so begin the insulation as soon as possible – after doors and windows. If you live in a cooler climate, make sure you use insulation designed for your region. Some homeowners place the insulation on the outside of the home to increase the living space inside.

Internal wall paneling can provide unique styles. There is common brick, marble or wood paneling, even scenery designs that will enhance the internal space. Painting is also an option that can produce favorable outcomes.

You may find our article How Do You Winterize a Container Home? Here’s How! of interest.

Power Systems

The power source for your container home needs some careful consideration. Solar power is going to be an option with advantages to living off grid. If you are located in suburbia you will have access to all amenities: gas, water, electricity, sewerage. The electrical systems requires help from a qualified electrician. Do you have an emergency power plan if there’s a blackout?

Begin Decorating

When all is said and done and the completed shell of the container has been entrenched, it is now time to undertake the decorative touches. You might wish to consult an interior designer if you are unsure. Better to be adventurous and DIY. During the decorating process, consider how the decor will blend with both interior and exterior elements.

The exterior of a container can be clad in various textures. We wrote an article on it: Shipping Container Appearance You may find useful.


Shipping containers are functional as apartments, hotels, and for those who wish to have something very unique to their tastes. You will find shipping container homes in remote localities and in high end neighborhoods with the Porsche parked in the container garage.

You may DIY or you may have contracted a professional business to modify your container pre-delivery or positioned onsite. How you progress your container home remember what you have is unique and very individual. Perhaps that is why you are undertaking this adventure.

You may simply want a container home because it is cost effective and wont land you into a life long mortgage. The beauty of a container home is you get to design the outcome. Its not all formatted and cost established by traditional house construction companies. Container homes are the way forward. Time to plan is now.

Container Living

Our interests include container homes, narrow boats, and concrete pipe homes. The possibilities are endless with shipping containers and concrete pipe dwellings. This is where we can express ideas and opinions on container houses and methods of use... There has always been an interest in boat life and in particular canal style boats from around the world. The passion is to see a container not just as a box but a potential dwelling. It is a form that can have many facades. It does not have to be traditional nor does it need to be a metal box. The future is open to unique designs. We are here to express our thoughts on the subject...

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