Twenty Foot Container Playroom or Hobby Room

Many people set up an extra room indoors as a playroom for the children or a hobby room. However, not everyone has extra room left to achieve this. Some people choose to build a shed or extension to their house as a solution. Yet it can be easier. Recently, more and more people have opted to place a twenty-foot container in their garden. But can a twenty-foot container serve as a playroom or hobby room?

A shipping container can be a great place for a playroom for kids or a hobby room for adults. This blank canvas offers you lots of possibilities. Some advantages of the container hobby room are durability, safety, portability, and the fact that it’s completely customizable.

Would you like to learn more about the possibilities of turning a twenty-foot container into a hobby room or playroom? Then you have come to the right place. In the article below, we tell you everything about this unique solution. We do not doubt that a twenty-foot container can also be a solution for your family.

Twenty Foot Container as a Playroom for Kids

We all know that children benefit from having a personal space to play in. A place where they can be themselves and not have to worry about anything. It may sound crazy, but an old shipping container might just be the place that is suitable for this purpose.

Many people nowadays convert a shipping container into a full-fledged home. A container is also often placed next to the house as a garage, guest room, gym, et cetera. A playroom for the children can also be realized in this space.

Things to consider when building a container playroom for kids

When designing a container playroom, your number one priority should always be the safety of your children. After all, you want them to be able to play in a safe environment without any harm. Therefore, a few things should be taken into consideration.

For starters, providing the container with a suitable floor is important. It can also be nice to have the carpet laid or buy some rugs. This provides a soft surface and helps retain the room’s heat. Good insulation and ventilation are, of course, of great importance for the health of your child.

It goes without saying that providing appropriate toys for your child’s age is important. This way, you can be sure that the child can play safely in the playroom. After all, a 4-year-old child needs different things than a 10-year-old. Therefore, you should consider this when setting up the container playroom.

Twenty Foot Container as a Hobby Room

A container can be a nice addition to your home, even if you don’t have children. For example, have you ever thought about a container hobby room? After all, adults also benefit from having their own space in which they can carry out their hobbies in peace. Whatever your hobby, a twenty-foot container offers a lot of space to let yourself go.

Whether you have a passion for model trains or you like to build ships in a bottle, it is all possible in a container hobby room. A hobby that requires more space, for example, something active like dancing, can also be carried out in a shipping container room.

Build your own music studio, create a workshop to build new things, or create a unique man cave for you and your friends. Speaking of the man cave, we have dedicated a separate article to this. Make sure you don’t miss it! Twenty Foot Container Man Cave

Advantages of a Twenty Foot Container Hobby Room

If you want to set up a playroom for the children or a hobby room for yourself, you can do this in various ways. For example, you can use a room indoors if you have this extra space, or you can, for example, build a shed. Yet many people opt for a twenty-foot container instead. You are undoubtedly wondering why this is the case. Below we discuss some major advantages that a container hobby room entails.

  1. Cheaper & Faster

A shipping container hobby room is a lot cheaper than building a regular extension to your home. You can also finish it a lot faster. After all, you simply need to purchase a container, take care of the correct foundation, and decorate the place for its purpose. Again, this can be cheaper than building an entire shed for the same purpose.

  1. Fully Customizable

A second big advantage is the fact that a container hobby room can be fully customizable. Your shipping container is like a blank canvas. You can let your imagination run wild on how you want the container room to look. You can combine multiple shipping containers and create twin containers, as they are called. This can offer you a lot more space. You could, for example, combine a playroom and a hobby room when you decide to place twin containers.

Furthermore, you can adjust all your furniture to what you have in mind. Shelves, tables, windows, and whatever else you might specifically need for your hobby. Are you not sure where to start? No worries, there are plenty of professionals that are specialized in the decoration of container homes.

  1. Portability

Another big advantage of a container hobby room is its portability. Many hobbies require a certain set-up that should ideally always remain the same. As a shipping container is portable, this will be possible! Let’s say you were required to move your hobby room or even move home altogether; in that case, you will be able to take your entire room with you. Doesn’t that sound like a reassuring thought?

  1. Security

Shipping containers can offer great security. Their steel bodies make it very difficult for someone to break in. Furthermore, the doors are usually quite heavy and tend to have high-quality locks. If not, you could, of course, purchase these kinds of locks for extra security.

In summary, we can say that a container hobby room is a safe place that will not be broken into easily. Therefore, your valuable belongings are safe from vandalism and weather conditions.

  1. Durability

As mentioned, shipping containers are made of sturdy materials. These make a weather-resistant container more durable than a regular shed. Your shipping container room will survive all kinds of weather conditions and terrain. Therefore, a container can last for decades.

Do you wish to contribute to a sustainable environment? Then it might be a good idea to choose a used shipping container for your next project. Do you wish to know how you can check a used container? Make sure to read this blog we wrote about it! Why Buy a Container Home and not a Traditional Home?


An old shipping container can be a new playroom for your children or a cozy hobby room for yourself. Its sturdy material makes it a very durable option. A twenty-foot shipping container offers lots of space and possibilities for various purposes. We do not doubt that a container can also be an excellent place for your favorite hobby or a safe place for your kids to play.

Thank you for stopping by, and we hope to see you again soon!

Container Living

Our interests include container homes, narrow boats, and concrete pipe homes. The possibilities are endless with shipping containers and concrete pipe dwellings. This is where we can express ideas and opinions on container houses and methods of use... There has always been an interest in boat life and in particular canal style boats from around the world. The passion is to see a container not just as a box but a potential dwelling. It is a form that can have many facades. It does not have to be traditional nor does it need to be a metal box. The future is open to unique designs. We are here to express our thoughts on the subject...

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