Twenty Foot Open Container Entertainment Area

You have undoubtedly heard about the current trend of container homes. Many people buy and renovate an old shipping container to live in it. This is a sustainable way of living that circumvents the housing market’s chaos. However, such a shipping container can serve as more than just a house. Homeowners can also enjoy a container as an entertainment area in their garden.

A twenty-foot open container can be used as a versatile entertainment area. You can use this space for cooking, eating, dancing, or playing. You can invite friends and family on a cozy summer evening and make valuable memories together. Make sure your container has the proper size, foundation, and insulation.

Would you like to know what you can do with a shipping container as an outdoor entertainment area? Then you have come to the right place. In the article below, we tell you everything you need to know about this special addition to everyone’s home. We are sure that your family will also benefit from this unique addition.

What Can A Twenty Foot Container be Used for?

You can use a twenty-foot shipping container for multiple purposes. As mentioned, some people convert a shipping container into a home. However, there are more options. For example, some people place a twenty-foot shipping container in their backyard. They use this space as an extra guest room, granny flat, man cave, or home gym. The possibilities are endless.

A shipping container can also be used as an outdoor entertainment area. You can decorate this area however you’d like. Below we discuss some ideas you could integrate into your outdoor entertainment area.

  • Outdoor Cooking Area

An outdoor kitchen is extremely popular among many homeowners. However, bad weather can sometimes spoil the fun when you use a traditional outdoor kitchen that is not covered. That is why a twenty-foot open container can offer a solution. Here you can establish your ideal outdoor kitchen. This can be used during all weather conditions and provides enough space for the entire family.

  • Eating Area

Although an outdoor kitchen can be great, some people simply prefer to cook inside. However, many people enjoy having their meals in the fresh air outdoors during summer. Therefore, many people create an outdoor eating area in their backyard. A twenty-foot container is also fantastic for this purpose. It offers enough space for the entire family to eat. It also enables you to invite family or friends.

  • Entertainment Area

Speaking of family gatherings, a twenty-foot container can also serve as a great entertainment area. Add some tables, chairs, speakers, Ping-Pong- or Foosball table, and you are set up for a great night of fun.

You can decorate your entertainment area however you like. Big screen for movie night or a big dance floor for a disco night, the choice is yours!

Why Should You Choose an Open Container?

In this article, we look at a twenty-foot open container entertainment area. Although you can also choose a regular container, there are multiple reasons to choose for an open container. Below, we discuss some benefits of an open container as an entertainment area for you and your family.

  1. Fresh Air

The most significant advantage of an open container is the fresh air that will get a chance to enter. In addition, creating an entertainment area in an open container offers a versatile place where you can gather with family or friends in any type of weather. It provides all the advantages of a wonderful outdoor space but is always dry and warm.

  1. Perfect for any season

Some might think an open container is only suitable for summer. However, this definitely isn’t true in our opinion. You can use an open container entertainment area in winter as well. To begin with, you are always dry in this room. Furthermore, you could add heating to your container to make the temperature more enjoyable during the colder months.

Additionally, many open containers can be closed whenever necessary. Therefore, it is a safe place for your belongings and a great entertainment area all year round.

  1. Easily accessible

An open container is easily accessible. You walk out of your home, into your garden, or straight into your open container without opening any doors. It’s to be compared with an outdoor area in your garden, except it’s cozier and warmer.

The easy accessibility is a plus, as most shipping container doors can be pretty heavy and, therefore, difficult to open.

Things you Should Know Before Purchasing an Open Container

Before purchasing an open container, there are a few things you should take into consideration. After all, proper preparation is crucial before starting any project. Below, we discuss some fundamental parts of building a container entertainment area.

Proper foundation

A shipping container home always needs a proper foundation. This applies to all shipping containers, regardless of their purpose. Concrete piers are one of the most popular foundations as it is easy and relatively cheap. However, every soil might ask for a different type of foundation. Read this blog to learn more about the different types of foundations. What Foundations Should I Use For my Container Home? This article will definitely help you to find the proper foundation for your open container.

Size container

Open shipping containers are available in many different sizes. Therefore, you must think about your preferred size ahead of time. What do you plan to do with your open container? Which attributes should fit in? The answers to these questions will help you to find a suitable container size.

Proper insulation

As you probably want to continue using your container in winter, you want to make sure that it has the proper insulation. There are multiple ways to insulate your container. Spray foam is one of the most popular ways to insulate your container. Do you wish to learn more about the different ways to insulate your entertainment area? Make sure to check out this blog we wrote about it! How Do You Winterize a Container Home? Here’s How!


Are you looking for a dry and warm outdoor space for family gatherings? Then an entertainment area in an open shipping container might be a good idea! This type of container has a lot to offer. It can easily be placed in your backyard and can be used for multiple purposes.

Some people decide to build an entire outdoor kitchen in their container, and others prefer to use it as an entertainment area for dancing or hanging out with friends. Whatever you plan on using your container for, it can be a great addition to your home.

Make sure to read the other blogs we wrote about the unique lifestyle that container homes have to offer. Thank you for stopping by, and we hope to see you again soon! .

Container Living

Our interests include container homes, narrow boats, and concrete pipe homes. The possibilities are endless with shipping containers and concrete pipe dwellings. This is where we can express ideas and opinions on container houses and methods of use... There has always been an interest in boat life and in particular canal style boats from around the world. The passion is to see a container not just as a box but a potential dwelling. It is a form that can have many facades. It does not have to be traditional nor does it need to be a metal box. The future is open to unique designs. We are here to express our thoughts on the subject...

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