Good Foundations For My Shipping Container Home

A very famous housing alternative that recently started gaining popularity is the use of container homes. These are old shipping containers that are being converted into houses. Many people around the world are exploring this unique housing option. Of course, as with any house, your container home needs proper foundations. But what foundations can be used?

As a shipping container homeowner, you can choose between multiple types of foundations. A concrete slab foundation, strip foundation, pier foundation, or pile foundation are all popular options. However, each comes with its own advantages and disadvantages. Find out more here.

Do you want to find out what is the best foundation to use for your container home? Then you have come to the right place. In the article below, we will tell you everything there is to know about proper foundations that you can use for your container home. Hopefully, the information below will help you make a decision. Read on…

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Do I Need a Foundation for My Container Home?

A steel shipping container house needs a foundation like a traditional house. Each building needs a strong foundation. So whether you’re constructing a shipping container house or putting an empty container on your property for storage, you want to securely and safely support it. This way, you can be one hundred percent sure that you and your family members are safe.

The foundation is the component whereupon you will build the remainder of your container home. The ground underneath us might appear static; however, it tends to be uneven, unstable, and hard to foresee. This is because the movement of moisture, changing temperatures, and the development of neighboring vegetation can make the ground rise, sink, or slide. These changes are commonly very slow, and it frequently requires months or even a longer time to see their combined impacts with your own eyes.

Be that as it may, don’t allow the slow speed to trick you. Except if you build on solid rock, chances are high that the ground will ultimately influence the position of your container home. Furthermore, regardless of whether you have a foundation, don’t expect that building the right sort of foundation in the correct way is straightforward. Foundations are problematic, so you should be careful. Creating a proper foundation takes time and requires knowledge. Therefore, make sure you know what you’re doing before taking action. Hiring a professional to help you will probably be the right first step.

What Foundation to Use for Your Container Home? – Some Popular Options

There are no specific rules for container home foundations. However, ensuring that a proper foundation supports your home is essential. There are different types of foundations. Let’s look at some popular options, so you can choose the one that suits your home best. We will have a look at four different types of foundations; Slab foundations, strip foundations, pier foundations, and pile foundations.

Slab foundation

A concrete slab foundation uses the same kind of concrete pads that are used for traditional homes. Therefore, we can be confident that this foundation offers excellent support for various soil types. In addition, as they gird the underside with several layers of solid concrete, they will also serve as a sound barrier against pests.

One possible downside of slab foundation is the more expensive costs. Furthermore, energy inefficiency can also form a problem, especially in colder climates. Concrete will absorb heat from the inside and release it into the concrete foundation.

Strip foundation

Strip foundation, also known as trench foundation, is a practical combination of pier foundation and slab foundation. It offers both the affordability and sturdiness of both types of foundation.

With strip foundations, we rely on linear strips of concrete. These create small and medium-sized structures. The strips run along the outer perimeter of the structure. However, they can also be located at the ends of the container.

Perhaps you are wondering what the advantages of strip foundations are. First of all, they offer great stability. Furthermore, they leave utility lines and plumbing fixtures open.

Pier foundation

A pier foundation consists of square blocks that are steel-reinforced concrete put under every container’s four corner castings. Each concrete block is usually 50x50x50cm. A pier is thicker and shorter in height than a pile.

Concrete piers lift the container home off the ground and guarantee that it stays steady and level no matter the surrounding terrain’s state. They are almost always cast in place by placing wet concrete in an excavated hole.

Concrete piers are perfect for DIY shipping container home foundations since they are cost-effective and don’t need costly specialized equipment. Sounds appealing, doesn’t it?

Since pier foundations are cheap, simple to install, and require minimal excavation, they are the best foundation for shipping container homes. All things considered, a pier foundation will, in all likelihood, be your smartest choice.

Pile foundation

Pile foundations, sometimes called friction piles or driven piles, get their unrivaled security from strong steel piles, which are driven into the ground upward and covered with concrete blocks to make an unshakeable platform with profound underground bases.

Pile foundations lie on the furthest edge of the range from pier foundations. As a result, they’re challenging to plan and costly to install. Setting them up in place includes specialized equipment and a lot of technical expertise.

Using a pile foundation is great on the off chance that you’re dealing with soft soil. Although it is not very likely, it is reassuring that you have multiple options available.

The result is that pile foundations are amazingly sturdy and enduring, specifically on delicate or wet ground. Thusly, they are best for those seeking to build a foundation for a shipping container or similar building on land where a common foundation simply won’t be enough.


Hopefully, this article provided you with the information you were looking for. We discussed some of the most popular types of foundations. Have you made a decision yet? Will you choose the solid concrete slab foundation or prefer the more affordable strip foundation? Other options are pile foundation or pier foundation. We found out that each type of foundation has its advantages and disadvantages.

We also looked closely at whether or not a foundation is necessary. The answer is yes! For your own safety and that of your family, it’s crucial to use the proper foundation for your container home.

We want to thank you for stopping by, and we hope to see you again soon! Make sure to check out the other articles we wrote on container homes. Perhaps they can give you some inspiration for your next project!

You might like to review our later article Does Our Shipping Container Home Need A Foundation

Container Living

Our interests include container homes, narrow boats, and concrete pipe homes. The possibilities are endless with shipping containers and concrete pipe dwellings. This is where we can express ideas and opinions on container houses and methods of use... There has always been an interest in boat life and in particular canal style boats from around the world. The passion is to see a container not just as a box but a potential dwelling. It is a form that can have many facades. It does not have to be traditional nor does it need to be a metal box. The future is open to unique designs. We are here to express our thoughts on the subject...

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