What is the Cost of a Prefabricated Container Home in Australia?


Container homes are gaining more and more popularity all around the world. In Australia, we also see an increased number of container homes. When you decide to purchase a container home, you have two options. You can buy a shipping container and convert it into a home yourself, or you can buy a prefabricated container home that is ready to use. This might make you wonder; What is the cost of a prefabricated container home in Australia?

The cost of a prefabricated container home in Australia can vary anywhere from $10.000 to $100.000. The exact price will depend on the size and luxury of your home. There will also be price differences between a new and a used container.

Do you want to know more about the costs of purchasing a prefabricated container home? Then we highly advise you to read the article below as we will tell you everything you need to know regarding the costs of a ready-made container home in Australia. We will give you all the information you need before buying your new container home.

What are the Average Costs of a Prefabricated Container Home?

The costs of prefabricated container homes vary greatly. Multiple factors play a part in this. First of all, the price will be different depending on the size of the container. A 20 feet container will simply be cheaper than a 40 feet container home. But what exactly are the average prices in Australia? Let’s have a look.

Average prices of prefabricated container homes in Australia

A 20 feet container home can be purchased for as low as $10.000 or as expensive as $35.000. The exact price will depend on the level of luxury that you wish to receive in your home. The average price of a 40 feet container home can be found between $50.000 and $100.000. Although this seems much, you should realize that this gives you a ready-made prefabricated house. Compared to a traditional house or apartment, it’s still very affordable.

Delivery costs in Australia

Another aspect that should be considered when making a budget for your prefabricated container home is the delivery costs. These can add up quite quickly, especially for moving large container homes.

The delivery costs have increased over recent years. Both the Coronavirus and the increased popularity of container homes are to blame for this. Furthermore, the actual cost will depend on the size of your container home. And, of course, the destination has the most significant impact on the overall price tag.

Does your container home need to be moved within Australia, then this will probably only cost you a few thousand dollars. However, is your container home coming from another continent? Then those delivery costs to Australia might be over $20.000. Needless to say, it is important to inform yourself about the delivery cost before purchasing a prefabricated home.

Are you still doubting whether or not a container home is a suitable housing option for you and your family? Then we recommend you read the article about container homes’ benefits. Hopefully, this will help you better understand the pros and cons of a container home for your family. (What Are the Benefits of a Container Home)

Why a Prefabricated Container Home? These are Some of the Reasons

Some people decide to buy a shipping container and convert it into a home their selves. Other people prefer to buy a prefabricated container home. We understand why this last option is popular amongst many families. Below, we discuss three reasons why a prefabricated container home is the best option.

You probably don’t have all the required knowledge and skills

When converting a shipping container into a home yourself, you will need a lot of knowledge and skills. As you probably don’t have all the required knowledge or proper skills, you will need to hire different professionals to do the job for you. You won’t be dealing with this problem when buying a prefabricated container home.

When purchasing a prefabricated container home, you won’t need to do much additional work. Therefore, it is a popular choice amongst many people. Furthermore, a prefabricated home can actually be cheaper.

A prefabricated container home can be cheaper

The cost of a prefabricated container is obviously higher than that of an empty shipping container. However, when you buy a container to convert into a home, you will need to invest a lot of extra money in this project. You will need a lot of time to get everything done, and you will also have to pay multiple professionals to get certain jobs done.

So, although a prefabricated container home is more expensive than an empty shipping container, the final cost will definitely be higher when buying an empty container. So, it’s safe to say that you can save a lot of time and money by purchasing a prefabricated container home.

Buying a prefabricated container home will save you lots of time and work

We speak from experience when we tell you that converting a shipping container into a home is a lot of work. It won’t be done within a matter of days or weeks. Most people need a few months to complete the entire project. Combining this with your regular day job or family life can be a big challenge.

Even when you hire professionals, they will still need some time to get the job done. What can we say? It’s a big project. If you don’t wish to spend this time and effort on the project, or if you can’t, there is good news to reassure you. You can buy a prefabricated container home.

These homes are available in different parts of Australia. Multiple companies offer their services. The only thing you need to do is figure out which one meets your expectations best.



The cost of a prefabricated container home in Australia depends on multiple factors. Especially the size and required luxury have a big impact on the price. The average price of a 20 feet container home can vary from $10.000 to $35.000. The biggest shipping containers can even cost as much as $100.000. Although this seems much, it is still nothing compared to the prices on the regular housing market.

Furthermore, shipping costs should also be taken into consideration. The cost of shipping your container home has increased tremendously over the years. When your container home comes from a different continent, it might even cost you more than $20.000. Of course, the final cost depends on the container home’s weight, size, and destination.

We hope this article was helpful and gave you more insight into the cost of a prefabricated container home in Australia. Thank you for stopping by, and we hope to see you again soon.

Container Living

Our interests include container homes, narrow boats, and concrete pipe homes. The possibilities are endless with shipping containers and concrete pipe dwellings. This is where we can express ideas and opinions on container houses and methods of use... There has always been an interest in boat life and in particular canal style boats from around the world. The passion is to see a container not just as a box but a potential dwelling. It is a form that can have many facades. It does not have to be traditional nor does it need to be a metal box. The future is open to unique designs. We are here to express our thoughts on the subject...

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